
Saffron comes from the stigma (the female reproductive part) of the flower of Crocus sativus, commonly known as the saffron crocus. This spice is highly prized for its vibrant red color, distinctive flavor, and aroma. Saffron is primarily cultivated in certain regions of the world, with Iran, India, and Spain being some of the largest saffron-producing countries.  

The contribution of saffron is notable in several ways:

  1. Culinary Use: Saffron is a prized culinary ingredient known for its unique flavor and intense aroma. It is used to impart a rich, earthy, and slightly sweet taste to dishes. Saffron is a key ingredient in various traditional dishes, such as paella in Spain, risotto Milanese in Italy, and biryani in India. It's also used in desserts and beverages. 

  2. Coloring Agent: Saffron is a natural food coloring agent. When steeped in warm water or milk, it imparts a bright yellow or orange hue to food and beverages. It is often used to color rice, bread, and sweets.   

  3. Traditional Medicine: Saffron has a history of use in traditional medicine systems like Ayurveda and traditional Chinese medicine. It is believed to have various potential health benefits, including anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and mood-enhancing properties. However, it's essential to note that while saffron has shown promise in some studies, more research is needed to confirm its medicinal benefits conclusively.   

  4. Perfumery and Cosmetics: Saffron's distinct fragrance and coloring properties make it a valuable ingredient in the perfume and cosmetics industries. It is sometimes used in perfumes, soaps, and skincare products. 

  5. Economic Importance: Saffron cultivation can be a significant source of income for regions that produce it. It is often considered a high-value crop, and saffron farming provides livelihoods to many farmers and laborers. 

  6. Cultural and Historical Significance: Saffron has a rich history and cultural significance in various regions. It has been used in religious rituals, traditional ceremonies, and cultural practices for centuries. Saffron has also been traded along ancient spice routes, making it part of the global spice trade's history. 

  7. Luxury Product: Due to the labor-intensive and time-consuming process of harvesting saffron (each flower produces only a few threads, and they must be carefully hand-picked), saffron is one of the most expensive spices globally. This exclusivity and rarity contribute to its status as a luxury product. 

    Best Benefits Of Saffron Oil

    Using saffron oil is a common practice all over the world, as it can benefit the body both topically and internally.

    What is Saffron Oil?
    Saffron oil is the essential oil extracted from the saffron spice and it has an astringent quality, which makes it a popular medicinal tool. The saffron plant is scientifically known as Crocus sativus, and spice comes from the flower of this plant. Saffron, also known as Kesar, is one of the most expensive spices in the world, particularly in American markets, so its concentrated oil can be even more costly, depending on where you are in the world. There are many different nutrients in saffron oil, including calcium, magnesium, potassium, vitamin A, and vitamin C, along with many different volatile acids, such as cineole, linalool, limonene, geraniol, and various carotenoids. This dense nutrient composition gives this oil such power and popularity!  

    Saffron Oil Benefits & Uses
    The benefits of saffron oil include its effects on the following:                          

    Skin Care

    Using only a few drops of this oil mixed with a carrier oil on the skin can help moisturize, reduce acne, eliminate scars, and blemishes, and lessen the appearance of wrinkles.                                                                                                                                       Hair Loss

    When you mix this oil with your shampoo or conditioner, it can help improve the texture and tone of your hair, as well as reducing the presence of split ends and preventing hair loss.                                                                                              


    The compounds present in saffron, such as crocin and saffranal, are helpful against diabetes. The spice is known to have a positive role in managing blood sugar levels. A study published in the journal Scientific Reports recommends combining physical activity such as resistance training with saffron consumption amongst people living with diabetes.                               

    Respiratory Health

    Inhaling small amounts of this oil, or even ingesting it in moderation, can help clear up inflammation in the respiratory tracts and loosen phlegm and mucus.                                                                                                               

    Mental Health

    Saffron oil releases serotonin in the body and helps fight depression and anxiety. It also promotes good sleep and treats the condition of insomnia. Saffron oil is also known to reverse the symptoms of insomnia.                        

    Weight Loss

    This oil can help increase serotonin release in the body, which is known to suppress the appetite, along with boosting the metabolism, thus helping burn more calories and shed pounds quicker.                                                   

    Wounds & Scars

    Due to its amazing therapeutic and healing properties, this oil is effective in treating wounds and scars on the body. 

    Sexual Health
    Saffron oil, being an aphrodisiac, helps in relieving menstrual and premenstrual cramps among women. It also increases fertility in men and can be used for the management of premature ejaculation.  

                                                                                                                    Mood: Saffron Yellow                                                                                                                                                                                                              Let’s talk about the color saffron: a hue so distinct, but so often mistakenly referred to as “mustard yellow.” Saffron has a little bit more depth, a little less brown. It’s like gold, without the metallic aspect. Even more interestingly, it’s a color that’s fully dimensional. Think about it: What other hue can you taste (it’s frequently used in cooking), smell (let’s not forget Byredo’s Black Saffron fragrance), and wear? It’s one of the most fabulous colors to wear for these reasons, but also–it just sort of naturally lends itself to being ultra-sophisticated.        One of my favorite recent examples of the color in fashion is the stunning lace jumpsuit above, as seen in the Resort 2017 collection. Shop some of the best saffron fashion pieces below.